Learn from the Best
Dr Wendy Tee has over fifteen years of experience in senior management and human resources positions
for diversified industrial and business environments. Graduated with a Doctor of Business Administration
(UUM), Master of Business Administration (UM), Master of Information Technology (UM), Certified Financial
Planner (CFP), Certified Business Coach (UM), Registered Financial Planner (RFP), Certified Trainer (PSMB)
and Certified Advance Human Resource Practitioner (MIHRM), she has undergone intensive academic
training in various human development and knowledge improvement.
As a trainer, speaker and consultant, Dr Wendy had spent hundreds of hours in training, speaking and
conducting training related to personal development and performance management over the years.
Her training sessions are enhanced with trainees getting exposure to personal development, improve
service productivity and performance toward productivity. She commits herself towards creating results
in personal excellence and inspiring people to do their best at whatever they do. Her vast experience and
exposure in different industry has given her an in depth understanding training and development needs
which she delivers with passion, performance, positive, integrity and energetic .
Dr Wendy is actively involved in management consultancy, management training and research. Her
latest responsibility involves the business coaching, financial training, management consultancy,
Accounting and Financial lecturing of Degree programs for Kolej Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman . She
has experience managing training programs covering from local universities, in house training and public
seminar training, from designing training needs assessment, developing training materials, monitoring
and tracking of training programs successfulness and implementing training evaluation. Having been
trained as a qualified trainer, her skill and knowledge has been enhanced in operations effectives, fitness
analysis, gap analysis and needs assessments.
Dr Wendy is also a Human Resource consultant and certified trainer now appointed from Harrison
Assessment Talent solutions (HATS), Pembangunan Sumber Manuasia Berhad (PSMB) and National
Human Resources Centre (NHRC), providing comprehensive and independent Human Resource advisory
to clients. In addition to consulting with and servicing clients, she is responsible for HR assessment, HR
training, coaching & advisory for the company.
Dr Wendy completed and passed her GST and SST exams organized by Chartered Tax Institute of Malaysia
(CTIM) with the cooperation and support from the Royal Malaysian Customs Department (RMC). She has
trained more than 75 SME companies in Malaysia for getting prepared on the post implementation of GST
and SST, mainly dealing with the tax authorities over various indirect tax issues, elements and scope of
indirect tax, cycle and operations, rulings, registration, administration, audit and investigations on behalf
of her clients.
Contact us
A-28-5, 28th Floor, Menara UOA Bangsar,
No.5, Jalan Bangsar Utama 1,
59000 Kuala Lumpur